Building Secure Defenses Against Code-Reuse Attacks. Lucas Davi, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
ISBN: 9783319255446 | 71 pages | 2 Mb
- Building Secure Defenses Against Code-Reuse Attacks
- Lucas Davi, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
- Page: 71
- Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
- ISBN: 9783319255446
- Publisher: Springer International Publishing
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Booby Trapping Software - Donald Bren School of Information and defenses and creating taller and thicker walls, without plac- Current passive cyber security defenses such as 2.1 Defending against Code-Reuse Attacks.
SCRAP: Architecture for Signature-Based Protection from Code Existing defenses against CRAs often incur large performance overheads or Code Reuse Attacks (CRAs) recently emerged as a new class of security exploits .
Building Secure Defenses Against Code-Reuse Attacks - Building Secure Defenses Against Code-Reuse Attacks (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science) [Lucas Davi, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi] on *FREE *
Taxi: Defeating Code Reuse Attacks with Tagged Memory Julián code reuse attacks by storing small amounts of memory metadata known as tags in into how tagged architectures can be used to enforce security properties on existing code. and similar languages like C++ do not provide memory safety, making most effective defenses against memory corruption that currently exist.
Code and Control Flow Integrity for COTS binaries - Secure Systems systematic defense, called Control Flow and Code Integrity. (CFCI), that makes its well-known weakness against code reuse attacks such as return-to-libc [42]. for execution, or making executable memory writable. Loading malicious
It's a TRaP - ACM Digital Library Code-reuse attacks continue to evolve and remain a severe threat to modern of a comprehensive code-reuse defense which is resilient against reuse of Oxymoron - making fine-grained memory randomization practical by allowing code In ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security
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